Reflobead Metal Finishing (Sandblasting)

Reflobead Metal Finishing (Sandblasting) Glass Beads have high chemical stability and mechanical hardness. They can be blasted onto surfaces with compressed air. Reflobead Metal Finishing Glass Beads can be used on compressed glass, rubber, plastic and molds with metal casting or compressing. The jetting balls would help reduce elasticity of the surface materials and increase wearing capacity.

Some uses of the sandblasting glass beads are as follows:

  1. Peening and polishing surfaces
  2. Clearing diverse molds of impact forging, forging, glass, rubber, plastic, metal casting and extrusion
  3. Eliminating tensile stress, increasing fatigue life and enhancing stress corrosion resistance. Aircraft engine turbos, vanes, shafts, undercarriages, diversified springs and gears are objects where beads can be used
  4. Cleaning and removing slitter edge and burr on the circuit plates and plastic-sealed germinate transistors before stannum soldering
  5. Removing stems in the piston and cylinder and providing bright and half-lackluster surface for medical mechanical instruments and automotive parts
  6. Clearing electromotor and such parts as loops, electric brushes and rotors during heavy repair
  7. Cleaning up and removing burr from metal tubes and precisely-molten non-ferrous metal tubes. Peening aggrandizement and polishing textile machinery parts.

The properties of Reflobead Metal Finishing Glass Beads are below:

Granulometry Specifications According to the client requirements
Appearance of Glass Beads Clean, transparent, no obvious impurity
Glass Type Soda Lime Glass
Density 2.4 - 2.6 g/cm3
Roundness ˃ 75%
SiO2 Content ˃ 72%
Hardness (Moh) 6 - 7
  • 25 kg Polypropylene bags
  • 1,000 kg big bags
  • According to client's special requirements